Thursday, March 29, 2007

No, I'm not hooked, but maybe these are gateway drugs

While my nasty cough has subsided, it hasn't gone away entirely. However, as I type away in a slightly high and dizzy state right now, I'm thinking about how much I'm going to miss taking NyQuil* before bed. It makes me so perfectly sleepy and cozy, I always end up getting a good night's sleep, despite my propensity to cough and toss and turn. As someone who has struggled with insomnia my entire life, finding a reliable sleep aide is a big deal.

*After plunking down way too much money on cough syrup and other remedies, I noticed that the generic DayQuil and NyQuil were ~60% less expensive than their name-brand counterparts (so I'm not technically taking NyQuil). [sarcasm] I, of course, am shocked that the U.S. pharmaceutical industry would gouge the sick and suffering [/sarcasm].

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