Monday, March 5, 2007

The Last Great Music Video

Thinking about how ancient I've suddenly become, I was wondering why I don't get into more new music these days. I don't have a radio, and since there aren't videos on MTV anymore, it's really tricky for me to be exposed to new bands now. I do attend a bar where the uber-hip DJ plays what sounds like modern indie rock, which I always enjoy, but never know the artists, albums or songs being played. I guess I haven't plugged into the MySpace networks that I presume most fringe artists use to promote and diffuse their work now.

I was thinking that the last "new" band that I got exposed to and enjoyed was Queens of the Stone Age. While their Songs for the Deaf album was hugely overhyped, it did produce what I think was the last great high budget music video entitled "Go with the Flow." With an awesome, rockin' song and psychadelic vivid, burning colors, this video oozes sex, drugs and rock and roll like few artistic works ever have.

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