Saturday, April 28, 2007

More Disconcerting Adventures with Demography and Marketing

Being someone who watches more than his share of ESPN nightly, I've noticed that seemingly second commercial has to do with dating, hair loss or weight loss. These are presumably things that the mostly male population watching ESPN is in urgent need of dealing with. In particular, those Nutri-System commercials with Dan Marino totally crack me up in particular (Sean Salisbury claiming that "chicks dig him"? How dumb do marketers think straight males are?).

It's funny that if these products and services succeed in getting pathetic single men "back in the game", they won't be watching ESPN (particularly on times like Friday and Saturday night) anymore, thus harming ratings. If they work (and that's a big if), ESPN is allowing a trojan horse of sorts to infiltrate it, and possibly take away their most valued clientele.

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