Monday, April 30, 2007

If only I could be this enamored with everyone I meet....

While I was walking around the neighborhood, waiting for my laundry to finish, I met an eleven-week old Chocolate Labrador puppy. He was so cute that it was jarring to see him as my eyes wandered aimlessly around half-braindead as I was going on my walk. The puppy was teething, so he was chewing on a stick while happily rolling around in the fresh spring grass. He let and his owner let me pet him, and then a whiny Pug came by, and started to cower when the Lab happily pounced on him with his disproportionately big paws.

Anyhow, now I really want a Chocolate Labrador puppy, although like is the case with kids, as much as I'm sure I'd love them, I'm not sure I want them 24/7/365. I'm still scared of big commitments like that. Further, I figure that buying a purebreed is decadent and bourgeois. There are lots of mutts out there in the world that are beautiful as well, and aren't being bred for profit, and are facing euthanasia. Further, mutts are less likely to come with expensive hip surgery bills. Despite all this, I still want a Chocolate Lab now! What is it with me and being unable to resist chocolate, whether it's located in a vending machine, or in the breed of a dog?

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