Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Portentous Things

While I was jogging tonight, I kind of got lost and ended up in a quasi-rural arra, where I enjoyed the quaint scenery, which was augmented by a family of deer galloping beside me. Usually when you run into deer, they just look at you sort of perplexed and indifferent, but in this case, these deer were really hauling ass, so to speak. Then, it occurred to me that these deer may have been sprinting away from a predator behind them, and I am a much slower and chubbier alternative to the usual venison meals bears and wildcats usually settle for. Since I am much slower than any of the potential predators involved (and I was already sucking wind from the jog), all I could do was hope that there wasn't a hungry predator lurking behind, because there was no way I could out-run it.

It was a disconcerting 120 seconds or so before the (possibly paranoid) thought was put to rest in my mind....

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