Monday, February 26, 2007

The Golden Age is Over

As a devoted youtube user, I've noticed that many of my favorite clips (mostly bootlegs of rock bands that I enjoy) are no longer available. The same goes for the much beloved cache of Beavis and Butthead episodes that were wonderful diversions in the middle of otherwise productive days for myself and colleagues alike (MTV manages to retroactively suck by taking out B & B and music/concert programming from when it was actually occasionally good). In a huge oversimplification, I will simply state that the profit motive managed to appropriate this wonderful public resource, and now via Google video, I now have to purchase those formerly free episodes for $1.99 (my beloved clip of the Pixies appearance on 120 Minutes has yet to be catalogued and priced, I suppose).

Anyhow, this is all turning out like Napster did. There was this golden age where you could find just about anything and everything your heart desired, no matter how obscure. Alas, I guess one does not get money for nothing and clips for free in the 2000's. *sigh*

As a consolation, enjoy this fantastic R.E.M. performance on Letterman in the early 1980's that CBS hasn't gotten its grubby hands on yet.

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